Law Enforcement Liaisons
Our goal as members of Breakthrough Project is to provide immediate aid and support to victims of hate crimes, by coordinating our efforts with local law enforcement agencies and city government to ensure the victims are contacted and have received proper legal care and information on resources available to them.

Student Engagement and Scholarships
Breakthrough Project offers students scholarships and academic recognition through our David Hill art Scholarships, which are given to students that compete in the Lodi Art Hop Fine Art Competition, and the Art Raab Essay Contest that awards students at our Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration of Unity.

Vandalism and Graffiti Clean up
Breakthrough Project has assisted with the cleanup of public parks, schools, and homes that were vandalized, and spray-painted with racial and prejudicial epithets. We have taken part in the clean up of religious temples that have been desecrated by fear mongers looking to strike fear in our diverse religious communities.